Aminet 30
Aminet 30 (1999)(Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1999].iso
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475 lines
;VirusCheckerII's New Installer Script
;$VER: Virus_CheckerII_Installer v1.01 (20.10.98) ß1998 by Alex van Niel
;;; Get the version and revision number of file/device/library/OS/etc
; Taken from original Installer Script of Virus_Checker and Virus_CheckerII
; INPUTS: Item ; Name of device/file/library/etc. "" for OS version
; OUTPUTS: VerN ; (long) version/revision number
; Ver ; Version number
; Rev ; Revision number
; NOTE: Both Ver and Rev returned as 0 if "WV_Item" does not exist
(procedure WhatVersion
(if (= VerN "")
(set VerNum (getversion)) ; For OS
(set VerNum (getversion VerN))) ; For other "files"
(set Ver (/ VerNum 65536))
(set Rev (- VerNum (* Ver 65536)))
(procedure P_setvcenv
(set #vcpath_env (cat
("setenv Virus_Checker_Path \"%s\"\n" @default-dest)
("copy env:Virus_Checker_Path envarc: quiet\n")
(dest "T:VCEnvSet")
(append #vcpath_env)
(execute "T:VCEnvSet")
(delete "T:VCEnvSet")
(set #hail (cat "VirusCheckerII Installation Utility\n\n"
"VirusCheckerII is ShareWare,\n"
"please consider registering.\n\n"
"VirusCheckerII is (c)1997/1998 by Alex van Niel\n"
"Virus_Checker is (c)1990/1995 by John Veldthuis\n"
(set #fullinstall "Full Install")
(set #update "Update")
(set #where_vc (cat "First, please select the directory to put Virus_CheckerII in.\n\n"
"The Installer will create a drawer called \'Virus_CheckerII\' "
"where all the files are put into. You don't need to make "
"one yourself."
(set #whatinstall (cat "Would you like to install VirusCheckerII fully "
"or do you want to update a currently installed version?"
(set #installhelp (cat "Full Install, installs the complete program, "
"update, installs only the files that are new or not "
"yet present.\n"
"Libraries, the latest brainfile and the main executable "
"are good examples of files that would possibly be copied "
"if they have been changed since the last release."
(set #allfiles "Copying all files from distribution archive")
(set #copyallfiles (cat "The Installer is about to copy all the files from the "
"distribution archive to \"%s\". It will not check "
"the versions of the files, so beware.\n\n"
"If you already have installed, VirusCheckerII and want "
"to update it, please press abort, start the installer again and choose "
"update instead."
(set #none "None")
(set #bestplace (cat "The best place to have VirusCheckerII started from is from the User-startup "
"that way it can monitor the system as early as possible and allowable. "
"You can also choose WBStartup for easy acces and still a pretty good safety "
"Choose User-Startup if you want to have the installer add a line to your "
"User-Startup, else choose WBStartup and the installer will copy a special "
"icon to the WBStartup drawer, or None if you aren't sure yet and want to decide later."
(set #vcrunfrom (cat "To have VirusCheckerII start as early as possible, choose User-Startup "
"and the installer will add a line to your User-Startup. VirusCheckerII will then "
"automatically startup when you boot your system.\n\n"
"To have VirusCheckerII start from your WBStartup, choose the related button. "
"The installer will copy a special icon to the WBStartup and VirusCheckerII will "
"be started when your workbench is launched.\n\n"
"If you aren\'t sure when you want VirusCheckerII to be started, just press None "
"that way you can choose later."
(set #vcrunchoose "Please choose how/when you want VirusCheckerII to be started...")
(set #adddat "The installer needs to add the following line to your \s:User-Startup\ file\n\n%s")
(set #copyvcbrain "Copying VirusChecker.brain")
(set #copyxfdlib "Copying xfdmaster.library")
(set #copybguilib "Copying bgui.library")
(set #copyxfddecrs "Copying XFD external decrunchers, please choose which ones to install")
(set #copyxvslib "Copying Xvs.Library")
(set #copyinglibs "The installer is about to install the libraries supplied with this archive into LIBS:, ")
(set #copyvcproject "Copying and Adjusting VirusChecker startup Icon")
(set #adjtooltype "Adjusting ToolType")
(set #makevcdir "Creating VirusCheckerII drawer")
(set #skip "Skip this part")
(set #proceed "Proceed")
(set #proceedhelp (cat "Press \'Proceed\' to install the part, or press skip if you don't want "
"to install that particular part but do want to continue installing "
"Virus_CheckerII. You could also press Abort Install to stop the complete "
(set #upd-guide "Updating Guide")
(set #upd-main "Updating Virus_CheckerII")
(set #upd-brain "Updating VirusChecker.brain")
(set #upd-xvs "Updating Xvs.Library")
(set #updating (cat "The installer is about to update Virus_CheckerII in\n"
"Is this correct?\n"
"(If you want to have Virus_CheckerII updated in another directory, "
"then press \'No\' and you will automatically get a requester to "
"choose the correct drawer)\n"
"If you have not installed Virus_CheckerII fully before, then "
"I recommend that you abort this installation for now and choose "
"\'Full Install\' instead."
(set #versions (cat
"Currently installed versions that might be updated:\n\n"
"Virus_CheckerII v%ld.%ld\n"
"VirusChecker.brain v%ld.%ld\n"
"VirusChecker.guide v%ld.%ld\n"
"Xvs.Library v%ld.%ld\n\n"
"Versions in archive:\n"
"Virus_CheckerII v%ld.%ld\n"
"VirusChecker.brain v%ld.%ld\n"
"VirusChecker.guide v%ld.%ld\n"
"Xvs.Library v%ld.%ld\n"
"(Files that have version 0.0 are in fact not installed)"
(set #install_dir "Please specify where VirusCheckerII should be installed\n(A drawer will be created here)")
(set #update_dir "Please specify path of already installed VirusCheckerII")
(set #needtoreset (cat "Virus_CheckerII is an Anti Virus utility which is worked upon almost "
"24hrs a day. Though, problems might rise in spite of this. Most of these "
"problems however are caused by not or half reading the documentation. "
"A lot of problems can be solved or even prevented by reading the documenation. "
"I therefore recommend that you read the documentation from front to back. It "
"might happen that some problems are not solved even then, if so, feel free to "
"contact me. How can be found in the documentation.\n\n"
"I personally recommend that you also reset your computer now so that Virus_CheckerII "
"can start properly."
(set #yes "Yes")
(set #no "No")
(message #hail)
(set #dofull (askbool (default 1)
(prompt #whatinstall)
(help #installhelp)
(choices #fullinstall #update)
(if #dofull
(complete 0)
(message #where_vc)
(set #vcpath (askdir (prompt #install_dir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set @default-dest (tackon #vcpath "Virus_CheckerII"))
( ;copying all the files from the distribution
(message (#copyallfiles @default-dest))
(copyfiles (prompt #allfiles)
(source "")
(dest @default-dest)
(optional nofail askuser )
(complete 45)
(set #user (askbool (default 1)
(prompt #copyinglibs)
(help #proceedhelp)
(choices #proceed #skip)
(if #user
(complete 50)
(copylib (prompt #copyxfdlib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/xfdmaster.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 60)
(copylib (prompt #copybguilib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/bgui.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 70)
(copyfiles (prompt #copyxfddecrs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "libs/xfd")
(dest "LIBS:xfd")
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 80)
(copylib (prompt #copyxvslib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/Xvs.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 90)
(message #vcrunfrom)
(set #vc-startup (askchoice
(prompt #vcrunchoose)
(help #bestplace)
(default 0)
(choices "User-Startup" "WBStartup" #none)
(if (= #vc-startup 0)
(set #vc-cmd (tackon @default-dest "Virus_CheckerII"))
(startup @app-name (prompt (#adddat #vc-cmd))
(help @startup-help)
(command #vc-cmd)
(copylib (prompt #copyvcbrain)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "VirusChecker.brain")
(dest "L:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(if (= #vc-startup 1)
(copyfiles (prompt #copyvcproject)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "VC_II_Project.info")
(dest "SYS:WBStartup/")
(newname "Virus_CheckerII.info")
(optional nofail askuser)
(set #vcprojecttool (tackon @default-dest "Virus_CheckerII"))
(prompt #adjtooltype)
(dest "SYS:WBStartup/Virus_CheckerII")
(setdefaulttool #vcprojecttool)
(if (= #vc-startup 2)
(complete 100)
) ;then statement
( ;else statement
(complete 0)
(if (= (exists "ENV:Virus_Checker_Path" (noreq)) 1)
(set @default-dest (getenv "Virus_Checker_Path"))
(set #updpath (askdir (prompt #update_dir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set @default-dest #updpath)
(set #userupd (askbool (default 1)
(prompt (#updating @default-dest))
(help #upddirhelp)
(choices #yes #no)
(if (= #userupd 0)
(set #updpath (askdir (prompt #update_dir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set @default-dest #updpath)
(complete 10)
(if (= (exists "L:VirusChecker.brain" (noreq)) 1)
(set VerN "L:VirusChecker.brain")
(set #brainver Ver)
(set #brainrev Rev)
(set VerN (tackon @default-dest "VirusChecker.brain"))
(set #brainver Ver)
(set #brainrev Rev)
(set VerN (tackon @default-dest "Virus_CheckerII"))
(set #mainver Ver)
(set #mainrev Rev)
(set VerN (tackon @default-dest "Virus_Checker.guide"))
(set #guidever Ver)
(set #guiderev Rev)
(set VerN "Virus_CheckerII")
(set #main2ver Ver)
(set #main2rev Rev)
(set VerN "VirusChecker.brain")
(set #brain2ver Ver)
(set #brain2rev Rev)
(set VerN "Virus_Checker.guide")
(set #guide2ver Ver)
(set #guide2rev Rev)
(set VerN "Libs:Xvs.Library")
(set #xvsver Ver)
(set #xvsrev Rev)
(set VerN "Libs/Xvs.Library")
(set #xvs2ver Ver)
(set #xvs2rev Rev)
(message (#versions #mainver #mainrev #brainver #brainrev #guidever #guiderev #xvsver #xvsrev #main2ver #main2rev #brain2ver #brain2rev #guide2ver #guide2rev #xvs2ver #xvs2rev))
(copylib (prompt #upd-xvs)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/Xvs.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(copylib (prompt #upd-guide)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Virus_Checker.guide")
(dest @default-dest)
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 30)
(copylib (prompt #upd-main)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Virus_CheckerII")
(dest @default-dest)
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 50)
(if (= (exists "L:VirusChecker.brain" (noreq)) 1)
(copylib (prompt #upd-brain)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "VirusChecker.brain")
(dest "L:")
(optional nofail askuser)
(copylib (prompt #upd-brain)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "VirusChecker.brain")
(dest @default-dest)
(optional nofail askuser)
(copylib (prompt #upd-brain)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "VirusChecker.brain")
(dest @default-dest)
(optional nofail askuser)
(complete 100)
(if (= #vc-startup 2)
(exit #needtoreset)